Sunday, April 10, 2016

Japan: Kansai 7 (Kyoto Arashiyama)

First day of heavy rain on this trip. We should consider ourselves lucky to have seen much in the decent weather so far. We head to the Arashiyama district of Kyoto, located way out to the west. We get out there efficiently by taking the train to the Saga Arashiyama JR station. 

If there is a super splurge, this is it - a Kaiseki meal at Kitcho Arashiyama. It is no surprise that the entire meal is prepared as meticulously and presented as beautifully as one will ever see. The elegant private settings go well with the subtlety of the tastes and flavors. 

Kyoto: arriving in Arashiyama in the rain
Kyoto: being shown to a private tatami room at Kitcho Arashiyama

Kyoto: a house-made sake to go with the kaiseki at Kitcho Arashiyama
Kyoto: a sashimi course at Kitcho Arashiyama presented in a bowl with sakura decorations on one side and the maple leaves on the other.

Kyoto: hassun at Kitcho Arashiyama

Kitcho Arashiyama, Kyoto: items from the hassun served individually

Kyoto: Kaiseki at Kitcho Arashiyama

Kitcho Arashiyama, Kyoto: a minature dango dessert is typical of this entire Kaiseki meal - quality over quantity and style matching substance.
Kitcho is located along the picturesque Katsura river, but alas the rain prevents us from a leisurely stroll after lunch. We can't miss the nearby Tenryu-Ji temple, however. The north end of the temple complex naturally leads up north to the popular and often photographed bamboo forest.

Kyoto: Tenryu-Ji Temple in Arashiyama

Tenryu-Ji, Kyoto: a covered walkway is handy today

Tenryu-Ji, Kyoto: the rain will accelerate the end of the cherry blossom peak.

Tenryu-Ji, Kyoto: gardens in rain

Tenryu-Ji, Kyoto: azalea in abundance

Kyoto: entering a bamboo forest in Arashiyama

Arashiyama, Kyoto: rain and crowds present a challenge to photography, not to speak of the umbrellas!

Kyoto: leaving the bamboo forest in Arashiyama

Kyoto: can't pass up the "ramen street" within Kyoto Station.

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