Friday, April 8, 2016

Japan: Kansai 5 (Himeji, Osaka)

Yesterday's Miyako Odori included, in addition to the scenes from four seasons, a celebration of the recent completion of restoration at Himeji Castle. We leave Osaka early, despite my aching back, for fear that we may not get in (the website says 15,000 tickets per day are allotted). Himeji is probably the most popular of all the Japanese castles, having survived both the WWII bombings (while the city around it crumbled) and the Kobe earthquake 1995.

Himeji: cherry blossoms are everywhere as we cross the moat to enter the castle grounds.

Himeji: the castle is in view the entire way to the ticket office.

Himeji: also likened to a white heron, but from what angle?

Himeji: lucky to be without rain today, but is it too much to ask for a little bit of the blue sky?

Himeji: well, at least there are some shades of gray in the sky. 

HImeji: there is still a long line after the ticket gate, but it's easy to pass time by admiring the scenery.

Himeji: just before entering the castle inner wall

Himeji: a 10 minute wait here to enter the interior

HImeji: a rare frame with no humanity in it shows the weapons storage area in a well preserved castle interior.
Himeji: a nice view of the castle grounds as well as the city
Himeji: how did the not-so-tall samurai get up and down these steep stairs?

Himeji: a view of the field ringed by cherry trees as visitors get ready for a hanami 


Himeji: leaving the donjon area

Himeji: West Bailey

Himeji: a view from West Bailey

Himeji: from West Bailey

Himeji: what if all defenders saw was these blossoms instead of the advancing enemy? 

Himeji: from West Bailey

HImeji: hanami 



HImeji: hanami

Himeji: we have simple yakisoba for lunch.

HImeji: a boat in a moat

Himeji: Kokoen Garden next door

Himeji: one last look from the west side of the moat
I give Kobe a pass (no, I am not talking basketball!). We return directly to Osaka for a chance to sample a French dinner prepared by a Japanese chef. I have always thought this is a fantastic formula as what I think are two cultures with the highest esthetic sensibilities come together. The meal does not disappoint and indeed is a delight to the eye and the palate.

Osaka: meticulous preparations at La Cime

Osaka: La Cime

Osaka: La Cime

Osaka: La Cime

Osaka: La Cime

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