Driving on Seward Highway in Kenai Peninsula |
Seward: Gateway to Kenai Fjords National Park |
Kenai Fjords National Park: Dall Porpoises playing alongside our boat |
Kenai Fjords National Park: we are surrounded by several humpback whales, but to see them in action is often a waiting game. |
Kenai Fjords National Park: We linger for a while at Aialik Glacier, our destination, to witness some decent calving, before turning around. |
Kenai Fjords National Park: a kittiwake colony |
Kenai Fjords National Park: Stellar sea lions on rocky outcroppings |
Kenai Fjords National Park: a colony of common murres |
Kenai Fjords National Park: this young humpback whale put on a show for 10 minutes |
Kenai Fjords National Park: a puffin trying to get the attention of the murre who does not seem interested. |
Kenai Fjords National Park: this whale reveals just enough (the backswept dorsal fin) for us to identify it as the fin whale. It is the second largest mammal in the world after the blue whale. |
The rapidly receding Exit Glacier: this entire area in front was covered with ice on our last visit less then two decades. |
Whittier: the sight of a rundown building in pouring rain - somehow it seems appropriate. This is a town created during WWII and most of 200 residents live in one building. Fortunately it is the other high rise and not this one which an article calls a ruin porn. |
No, not a real bear, but just a decoration at Alyeska Resort, Girdwood. Real bear viewing will have to wait until tomorrow at Katmai National Park, weather permitting. |
Such nice pictures
ReplyDeleteWe all enjoy the pictures.
Actually everyone except IK envies you.
But IK says the pictures are great.
It is worthy to spend so many bulks to watch bears catching salmon.
So many bears and salmon